Snakes & Dogs

Spring is a time of renewal and rejuvenation, when the world awakens from its winter slumber and bursts forth with new life. One of the most beautiful aspects of this season is the arrival of spring blooms, as trees and flowers begin to show their first signs of growth. Unfortunately, this season also brings out another creature that many people fear: snakes.

While it may be unsettling to think about encountering a snake while enjoying the spring blooms, it's important to remember that snakes play a vital role in our ecosystem. They help control rodent populations, which can spread disease and cause damage to crops.

Dogs are our beloved pets and loyal companions. We happen to have two in our household. They are different in their personalities but bring much joy into our lives. Rae is a mature Rhodesian Ridgeback. Nola, our rescue, is a spastic and into everything. Her curious nature certainly puts her at greater risk of injury or encountering things that don’t want to encounter her.

If your dog is bitten by a snake, it's important to seek veterinary care immediately. Venomous snake bites can be life-threatening, and early treatment is crucial for a successful outcome. Signs of a snake bite in dogs may include swelling, pain, lethargy, and difficulty breathing.

The most common venomous snakes that dogs may encounter in North America include rattlesnakes, copperheads, and water moccasins. All of which are present in Georgia where we live. These snakes are typically found in wooded areas, rocky outcrops, and near bodies of water. Dogs that spend time in these areas are at a higher risk of encountering these snakes and suffering a venomous bite.

Taking precautions to protect your dogs is important. Keeping them on a leash while walking in wooded areas or even enrolling them in a snake avoidance training program are two options.

But what happens if they encounter the snake in your backyard and how do you address a snake bite homeopathically and even while on your way to the ER?

I’ll share with you what I did.

Nola came in on Sunday afternoon after being outside in our fenced yard. I was out doing some errands and my husband was at home with the dogs. She seemed lethargic but he thought she was just tired from being out all day. He was headed out the door so he put her in her crate. When he returned he noticed the left side of her face was swollen and droopy. Unsure what had happened, he called me right away. I assumed she was having an allergic reaction and had him begin giving her Apis 30c.

He called me back about 15 min later and said he thought it was a snake bite as he spotted the marks on her cheek. We were unsure what type of snake, so he loaded her into the car and drove her to the nearest pet hospital. By the time I met him in the waiting room, he had given her 3 doses of Apis and said she seemed better, less lethargic.

After an exam, blood tests and a discussion about the pros and cons of anti-venom, we both decided she didn’t need it. The doc wanted to send me home with a narcotic for the pain, but I politely declined and said I’d call if I felt she needed it.

As soon as I got her in the car I gave her one dose of Ledum 200c (to address the puncture wounds), Arnica 30c when we got home (to address the trauma and pain) and got to work researching snake remedies. There was no need to continue the Apis since we knew the origin of the bite. Thanks to my Survivalist Guide, I chose Lachesis 30c and Crotalus horridus 30c. I mixed them together in a dropper bottle and administered a dose.

Because it had been several hours since the initial bite and it was late in the day, I opted to do a loading dose (one dose of each remedy every 15 minutes). By the time we went to bed she had four doses of each remedy. I knew I was on the right track because her playfulness returned after the 2nd dose.

By next morning the swelling had reduced by more than 50% and she was clearly back to normal despite the remaining puffiness, so I opted to reduce the dosing frequency of each remedy to three times daily. By the end of the second day, the swelling was completely gone and the bite marks were well on their way to healing. Each day for the next 3 days I reduced frequency of dosing until I was sure she was good.

The power of Homeopathy!


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